Please pray for:

Please pray for:
  • ALL THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED: Betty Nelms, Maureen Dethridge and Annabel Cakebread RIP and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF BOTH PARISHES:  Edna Archer, Joan Poole, Doreen Jones, Edna Price, Rita Williams, Tony Cox, Penny Willcocks, Kathleen Barrett, Nikki Pink, Mike Gallagher, Sebastian Vessey, Dorothy Harrison, Derek Regan, Adrienne Brady, Patrick McMorrow, Corazon Stirling, Fr. Denis, Binoj Thomas, Matthew Bell, Fr Chacko, Sinead Flanagan, and John Allistone,

For: All those in nursing homes and those at home and in hospital, their families and those who care for them.

We pray for all our deceased relatives, friends and parishioners of both parishes, whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Names for prayers are included by request and with a contact for further news. 

​ If you are admitted to Poole Hospital, please do let the hospital chaplaincy team know on Tel 0300 019 2167

​Items for the newsletter to be at the parish office (not the presbytery) in writing or emailed to by Wednesday 12 noon.