St Mary’s Services

Date/timeServiceMass IntentionFeast / Saints day / other information
Saturday 18th January 10.00amMassKC Chacko RIP
Sunday 19th January 9.00amRosaryin the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Sunday 19th January 9.30amMass, with Children’s LiturgyPeople of both parishes  The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday 19th January 5.30pmMassBernard, Lucy and Martin Davy RIP
Tuesday 21st January 10.00amMassMaureen Cawdery RIP
Wednesday 22nd January 7.00pmHoly Hour
Thursday 23rd January 10.00amMassThe Lynch Family Intentions
Friday 24th January 12 NoonRequiem Mass followed by Hunger LunchMaureen Dethridge RIP
Saturday 25th January 10.00amMassMoira and Stacy Melvin RIPConversion of St. Paul
Sunday 26th January 9.00amRosaryin the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Sunday 26th January 9.30amMass with Children’s LiturgyCatriona Chandler RIPThe Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday 26th January 5.30pmMassJosef Sample RIP

St Anthony’s Services

Date/TimeServiceMass IntentionFeast / Saints day / other information
Saturday 18th January 5.00pmMassShaun Anthony Pavey RIPThe Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wednesday 22nd January 10.30amEucharistic Servicefollowed by Rosary
Saturday 25th January 5.00pmMassPeople of both parishesThe Third Sunday in Ordinary Time